A motion (aka migration) is what we call specific actions performed within a codemod. For example, updateBorderWidth
or removeDeprecatedProps
They can be simply thought of as utility functions that are responsible for a single step within a complex codemod.
It is not required to follow this pattern but they are highly recommended as a helpful design pattern to isolate more complicated parts of your codemod into discrete pieces.
function removeDeprecatedProps(j, source) {
// Some logic here
Motions can then be applied from the main transform, just like any other function.
import { hasImportDeclaration } from '@hypermod/utils';
import removeDeprecatedProps from './motions/remove-deprecated-props';
import restructureImports from './motions/restructure-imports';
export default function transformer(file, { jscodeshift: j }, options) {
const source = j(file.source);
// Execute individual motions
removeDeprecatedProps(j, source);
restructureImports(j, source);
return source.toSource(options.printOptions); // Writes modified AST to file
Each motion receives a reference to the AST (source
) which it can then manipulate as required since the source variable is passed by reference.
Alternatively, you can use the utility function applyMotions to run motions in sequence.
import { applyMotions } from '@hypermod/utils';
import removeDeprecatedProps from './motions/remove-deprecated-props';
import restructureImports from './motions/restructure-imports';
export default function transformer(file, { jscodeshift: j }, options) {
const source = j(file.source);
// Execute a series of motions in order
applyMotions(j, source, [removeDeprecatedProps, restructureImports]);
return source.toSource(options.printOptions);